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DR RAAKHEE MISTRY - Dynamic Homoeopathy

DR RAAKHEE MISTRY - Dynamic Homoeopathy


We live in interesting times. There are so many new inventions coming into being almost daily. We have amazing devices and gadgets that allow us to do things that we never thought possible only a decade ago. Innovation is happening in almost every field and one marvels at the new resources that are becoming available.

The downside to all this invention is that it has taken us away from Nature. We live in artificial environments, breathe artificial air and use numerous products that contain numerous man-made chemicals. Our lives are taken over by technology that is supposed to make our lives easier but has only resulted in us being busier and having less time.

Despite the convenience, people are starting to become aware of how this “artificial” life style is impacting on our health and wellbeing. They are questioning the things that we often take for granted. The food we put into our bodies, the toiletries and cosmetics we use and even the medication we take to make ourselves better.

Homoeopathy offers an alternate and even complementary form of healing since Homoeopathy is a healing modality that uses the laws and principles of Nature to restore health. This system of healing was developed over 200 years ago by a German physician, Dr Samuel Hahnemann. He spent a great deal of time observing patients and experimenting with various medicinal substances and developed a form of healing that is still very effective 200 years later.

Homoeopathic principles state that every person has the ability to heal themselves and also to maintain this state of health. When this ability to heal becomes blocked or distorted, that is when the person gets ill and develops disease. The aim of Homoeopathic treatment is not to get rid of the disease, but to restore the body’s ability to heal itself and the body than is able to rid itself of the disease. This form if treatment is advantageous to the patient because it allows for strengthening of the body’s innate healing ability instead of becoming dependent on medicines to “treat” the symptoms of the disease.

200 years ago, Dr Hahnemann realised that the mind, emotions and the body are linked and that when a person gets ill all three levels are affected and not just the body. His treatment involved treating the body, the emotions and the mind, usually with one medicine. Not only did the patients physical symptoms improve but also their mental and emotional state.

Homoeopaths, today still treat all three levels of the patient with what is known as a “constitutional” remedy. When a patient is treated in this manor, the patient will not only notice an improvement in their physical symptoms, but they also notice that their energy levels improve, they feel more motivated, sleep quality is better and many other beneficial “side-effects”.

Homoeopathic treatment is also individualised. In other words, the treatment for each patient is specific for that particular patient. For example, two patients that are both suffering from sinusitis, usually do not get the same medicine because the medicines will be based on the symptoms they present with which may be very different. Every patient receives a different treatment even though the complaint may be the same which is unlike conventional treatment.

Homoeopathic medicines are sourced from the environment and varies from plants, to minerals and rocks. They are designed in a special way so as to cause as little disruption and toxicity to the body and at the same time, provide a powerful stimulus to the body’s healing mechanism. The medicine is often administered in the form of milk sugar powders, granule, pillules or tablets. Patients who are sensitive to lactose can also take the homoeopathic medicine in a liquid form.

Homoeopathic medicines are absorbed in the mouth and the effects of the homoeopathic medicines can sometimes be felt within minutes of taking the medicine. There is a misconception that homoeopathic treatment takes long to work. If the correct homoeopathic medicine is given, the improvement can be seen within a few hours in acute illness and in a few weeks in chronic cases.

Homoeopathy can also be used along-side conventional treatment and can enhance the effects of the conventional medicines. Homoeopathic medicines can also be used to decrease side-effects that may be caused by conventional treatments. The effect caused by the homoeopathic treatment is determined by the homoeopathic practitioner depending on the needs of the patient.

Homoeopathy is used to treat all forms of illness which can vary from colds an flus to allergies to hormonal imbalances and even assist in chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. But  it is important to remember that Homoeopathy treats the patient and not the condition the patient is suffering from.

In South Africa, homoeopaths are trained at the University of Johannesburg and Durban University of Technology. The course duration is 5 years and covers a range of subjects which allows the qualified homoeopath to diagnose conditions and treat using homoeopathic medicines.

Despite Homoeopathy being developed 200 years ago, homoeopathic treatment is still effective today and will continue to be effective 200 years from now, because the system of Homoeopathy is based on principles that were true 200 years ago and will still be true 200 years from now.

 I wish you all a healthy week.


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